During this last sprint, I’ve been running around doing a lot of different tasks related to this event, both promoting it and finalizing some of the event plans. For this practicum, I’ve mainly focused on promoting the event, but I’ve been involved in a lot of other small ways.

Creating social media posts

I finalized and published designs for 6 social media posts related to the event. One was the main promotional design which was then taken by the event team and adapted into a poster that’s currently displayed on campus.

Four of the designs were carousel posts with graphic text, and one was a reel. These posts all revolved around the event and the competitions that happen in conjunction with the event. I followed the existing style guide and got feedback from the event manager as needed to make sure the content was accurate.

Communicating with faculty, event planners, and scheduling

As last-minute changes related to the event have taken place, I’ve been the middle-man in a lot of conversations. I’ve met with the lead faculty over the event several times to discuss plans. I’ve talked with the event manager about changes to the schedule, amenities, and advertising. I reviewed an article from the university newspaper and determined revisions were needed (we’re waiting on a response). I talked directly with the scheduling coordinator to confirm the times and resources available for the event.

Presented to classes

I spoke with 6 different classes from 2 different professors about the upcoming event. The online media class is required to attend, so they were already familiar with it so the discussion was brief. The visual media class hadn’t heard about the event, so I shared more details and incentives for them to attend. The photography classes had briefly heard about it, but this presentation served as a formal invitation for them to present their projects. I provided lots of details on the event and answered a lot of good questions.

The event is this coming Tuesday, so I’ll be involved right until the end in seeing the fruits of this project!